Keeping your Produce Cool
We can supply refrigeration for every situation from bars that need bottle coolers, ice machines and cellar room refrigeration to all refrigeration for cafe’s restaurants, social clubs, nursing homes and any other catering outlets. We supply all makes and models such as Foster, Williams, Gram, Hoshazaki, Manatowoc, Blizzard, Infrico, Trimco, True, Lincat Seal, Gamko, Osbourne, Polar, and many more.
Display Fridges
Our display fridges can be used in a lot of application wither you want to display some cakes or sandwiches to displaying cold salad bar counters in hospital canteens and cafeterias, they can be used for fish monger shops, butchers shops and can be made to measure and colour co-ordinated with the decor of the shop.
They are used to show off food to its best with lights, sloping glass, curved glass and easy reach in and help yourself units.
Commercial Kitchen Fridges & Freezers
The most popular fridges and freezers are upright stainless steel single and double door units and for the smaller cafe’s and restaurants there are an economy white commercial ranges and under counter versions for space saving and small quantities of food. The larger kitchens like to have a walk in cold room and walk in freezer room as well as having free standing units for quick use also the more popular gastronorm preparation counters which can have a flat table top surface or have a cut out for small salad containers on top they come in 2, 3, & 4 doors or a variance of drawers instead of doors and are available in fridge and freezer counters. Blast chillers and freezers are getting more common and affordable for the smaller kitchens and come in all sizes from 3 to 20 gastronorm size the EHO are asking to see more of these in all catering operations.
“Carry Outs” and Take-A-Ways
Most carry outs and take-a-ways have at least one serve over counter and usually a Pizza counter which will have a granite top with a saladette unit for the pizza toppings these are ideal for pressing out the dough and preparing the pizza before firing in stone baking pizza ovens.
The other refrigeration these shops will have is upright bottle coolers such as Coca Cola and milk fridges which can be self service or behind the counter for the owner to grab and sell to customer, behind the scenes the walk in fridges and freezers are a must for stock keeping and rotation.
Bar Refrigeration
All bars will have back bar glass fronted bottle cooler display fridges which come in single, double and triple door size and it is quite common to have self closing sliding door units to save time and space.
Ice machines are a must for every bar as this can boost profits from giving more ice and a dash of soft drinks, again these come in various sizes from the smallest 18kg per 24 hrs to large units with separate bin storage units below which will hold 3 or 400kg of ice. There is also a various range of ice, pyramid, squares, top hat, bullet, crushed and flaked for cocktails.